Hyvää Maailman Nukketeatteripäivää!
World Puppetry Day -päivällä on aihetta
juhlaan, päivä täyttää tänä vuonna 20 vuotta!
Päivän kunniaksi on kansainvälinen UNIMA kerännyt ympäri
maailmaa videoita, joista on koottu juhlavideo, joka julkaistaan tänään. Videon
nimi on "Call of the Forest". :
Videomontaasin alussa Dimitri Jageneaun, General Secretary
puppeteers around the world, dear members of UNIMA: This year is very special
because we are celebrating 20 years of World Puppetry Day; I am very thankful
to all its contributors. For twenty years you have shared and created projects
and contributed parts of your work for this day to promote puppetry from all
corners of the world.
This year, the
topic (of this video montage) is “The Call of the Forest” and I am very
thankful to all contributors. Let’s share this huge event. Let’s enjoy this
moment together with puppetry, for creativity, and believe the world will be a
better place with puppetry. All my
greetings to all UNIMA members and puppeteers from around the world!"
Julistuksen tälle vuodelle on kirjoittanut taiteilija Nina Malíková.
World Puppetry Day
Message from Nina Malíková
The pandemic, the war conflicts and the escalating economic problems of the
last few years have made life difficult for all of us, as all this unrest
creates tension, fear and anxiety about the future. Worry has settled in our
minds and on our faces.
Of course, I cannot imagine what it was like in previous centuries. But if we look a little closer at history, we
see that similar situations – albeit in a different form and world order – have
existed before. Despite all this, people believed in love, had children and
still tried not only to survive, but to thrive.
Even in the darkest times, there was always something to help them, and we
know from a number of historical sources that the puppet theatre and its
age-old magical power was part of this. This power is in the very foundations
of the puppet theatre. As a stylized
theatrical form with its own metaphor, puppetry represents human activity but
also searches – sometimes with humour, sometimes in all seriousness – for
In attempting to represent our lives, puppet theatre has often been there protesting
against the immutable force of fate. As art, it reflects the most difficult
life situations, whether personal or societal, through caricature or
glorification. The possibilities of the puppet theatre have recently expanded,
and its art is now recognised worldwide as an integral part of 20th
and 21st century theatre culture.
Puppet theatre is as much about traditional expression as it is about the
use of new technologies, exploiting their multimedia possibilities or their
capacity to entertain and move us. However, it courageously defends its proudly
acquired position.
The world will be a better place than it seems to us at the moment. We all
believe that, and we all want to believe that. So let us not deprive ourselves
of the joy of life because of our fears. Let us believe that Pulcinella, Punch,
Guignol, Kašpárek, Karagöz, Vidushaka, Mobarak and our other heroes in this
endless line of puppet characters portraying the human comedy are the ones we
can still trust and, like so many generations before us, believe in their
victorious struggle against death.
Let's not get bogged down in our worries but rather use the puppet theatre
in its various forms to once again summon the joy and pleasure of creating and
November 2022